Tone of voice

We want to create advocates for the planet through everything we do.  Including how we communicate.

Our voice – what we sound and feel like - is a fundamental and inseparable part of our brand identity. It’s what makes us stand out from the crowd.

The following principles form our strategic approach for tone of voice.  Then, we show how these can be translated into a useable, ownable language.


We don't have time to stay still or silent.

Be active, not passive.

We sound bold, direct and we get to the point.


Be friendly, not formal. Everyone's welcome here.

We make people feel actively invited and included. 

Building a movement requires being truly accessible.


We can end the planetary emergency if we take action now.

We don't sugarcoat the truth, but always point to solutions.

Always give agency and routes to action.



Our curious, quirky and enthusiastic energy is catching.
Take fresh angles and unexpected routes.

It's our passion that makes us stand out.

Flexing the tone

Tone of voice can flex from playful to serious so that we can easily communicate with our wide audience base. 

Our mission truly matters to the future of our planet. Give it the gravity it deserves in appropriate contexts - like donation asks - while staying focused on solutions.


A note on sounding serious:

Take care not to confuse serious with formal, or dense. Even when we have a serious message to convey, we should sound clear, crisp and above all, human.

Avoid at all costs 

  • Musty, irrelevant, stuck in the past, passive
  • Elite, exclusionary, arrogant, ‘know-it-all’ 

Take care not to sound...

  • Preachy, sombre, dictatorial, panicky
  • Formal, stiff, boring
  • Obtuse, dense, technical
  • Confusing, lacking credibility, untrustworthy

Instead, use the guidelines to sound more...

  • Dynamic: fresh, contemporary, active
  • Approachable: welcoming, inclusive, human
  • Hopeful: solutions-focused, honest, empowering
  • Playful: fun, curious, inquisitive
  • Helpful: clear, concise, friendly, respectful
  • Trustworthy: measured, thoughtful, wise