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Useful links

Below is a list of links to other projects that may be of interest to you:

  • BHL
    The Biodiversity Heritage
    Library will provide basic, important content for immediate research
    and multiple bioinformatic initiatives.


  • BioCASE
    Biological Collection Access Service for Europe. A transnational
    network of biological collections enabling widespread unified access
    to distributed and heterogeneous European collection and observational


  • CBOL
    Consortium for the Barcoding
    of Life. An international initiative devoted to developing DNA barcoding
    as a global standard for the identification of biological species


    CETAF is a networked
    consortium of scientific institutions in Europe formed to promote training,
    research and understanding of systematic biology and palaeobiology.


  • EDIT
    The European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy, a network of excellence
    gathering 28 major institutions devoted to knowing the living world
    better with the support of the European Commission.



  • GBIF
    Global Biodiversity Information


  • GeoCASE 
    Geoscientific collection access service- an extended version of BioCASE


  • iBOL
    International Barcode of Life project
    argues that sequence diversity in short, standardized gene regions (i.e.
    DNA barcodes) can provide a sophisticated tool for both the identification
    of known species and the discovery of new ones.


  • LifeWatch
    LifeWatch will construct and bring into
    operation the facilities, hardware, software and governance structures
    for all aspects of biodiversity research. The project is currently in
    a three year preparatory phase.


  • OPAL
    The Open Air Laboratories
    (OPAL) network is an exciting new initiative that is open to anyone
    with an interest in nature. We aim to create and inspire a new generation
    of nature-lovers by getting people to explore, study, enjoy and protect
    their local environment


  • PESI
    Pan-European Species-directories
    Infrastructure. PESI
    provides standardised and authoritative taxonomic information by integrating
    and securing Europe’s taxonomically authoritative species name registers
    and nomenclators (name databases) and associated exper(tise) networks
    that underpin the management of biodiversity in Europe.


  • QBOL 
    A new EU funded project (QBOL) looking at DNA barcoding of important plant pathogens. An international consortium will collect DNA barcodes from many plant pathogenic quarantine organisms, store these sequences in a database accessible by internet, develop a DNA bank and train end-users. All these activities should help National Plant Protection Services in correct identification and detection of plant pathogenic quarantine organisms.

If you wish to have details
of your project listed here, please send the details to
